How an Unplanned Action Research Project and a Small Dose of Vulnerability Led to Better Student-Teacher Relationships and Joy in the Classroom

Having a classroom built on trusting relationships that accepted that failure could be a part of learning led all of us to be more vulnerable and to take more risks. And this, in turn, led me to feel more comfortable letting go of more control to add more joy into the classroom.

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Making it Stick Better

Memory, like all brain functions, is not isolated to one region of the brain—and without it, learning does not happen. What follows is how we have translated research on memory to our respective disciplines, science and history.

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MBE for Educational Equity

The Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) research-informed principles and whole-child approach that have guided the CTTL’s work up until this point feel simultaneously more important than ever — and not yet enough. It is a time to reflect on the truth of what we already know, and examine where we, as teachers, leaders, and supporters of learning communities, need to do better to create change for equitable learning and school experiences.

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Our Elementary EdTech Guide is Here

Our EdTech guides were not created to drive a technology-first agenda. We do not imagine a future where EdTeach replaces classroom teachers. Rather, the guides were created to help us find the right EdTech tool for the job when an EdTech tool might be the best tool to use.

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Parent Tips: Final Exams and Projects

Summer is not far off, but due dates for final exams and projects are closer. Here are some study strategies and tips you can use to help your child prepare for these assessments and assignments during distance learning.

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