Become a better teacher in 10-15 minutes a day- anytime, anywhere.
Infuse your classroom practice with the latest research-informed strategies for helping students learn and achieve their highest potential.
Transform your teaching with an innovative, flexible approach to understanding how your students’ brains learn, work, and thrive. Every micro-course includes:
Use research-informed Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) Science of Learning strategies to transform the fictional classrooms and students of Dewey High—right from your phone.
Apply the strategies you’ve learned in each interactive adventure with your own students. Real coaches review your submissions and provide feedback within 72 hours.
Neuroteach Global is informed by the expertise and experience of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning at St. Andrew’s led by the co-authors of Neuroteach. Their research base is embedded into each micro-learning experience, and can be reviewed in a Field Guide that accompanies each micro-course.
Each virtual experience produces immediate feedback as users answer questions related to student experiences at Dewey High School. Additionally, each micro-course includes two real-world classroom missions; users receive feedback on these missions from master teachers within 72 hours of submission.
NTG offers 12 micro-courses within its four learning tracks:
Embrace the concept of neuroplasticity, and that all educators are brain changers
Recognize ‘neuromyths’ that may appear in your teaching practice and address them
Identify any implicit biases based on race, gender, or other identifiers that may be affecting your teaching practices
Understand the impact the classroom environment has on working memory and attention
Design a classroom that facilitates and tells the story of the learning that happens there, and reflects the students’ voice
Understand how to create more space for students to visually show their thinking
Describe the relationship between emotion and cognition Strategically implement the use of positive emotion in the learning environment
Understand that social belonging and academic belonging are different and manage both for students
Depersonalize and normalize struggle, so students can see their successes and challenges as separate from stereotypes
Describe the relationship between working memory and long-term memory
Design your curriculum to teach study strategies alongside content
Apply retrieval practice, spacing, and interleaving in curriculum design
Balance direct instruction and assigned projects to build knowledge that is durable, usable, and flexible
Explain why quality of homework is more impactful than the quantity of homework
Design high-quality homework
Reduce cognitive load for students when they are away from the classroom setting
Make homework a time for independent practice and mistake-making
Understand the importance of designing curriculum for learning variability
Identify core competencies in advance, and have scaffolds prepared to help students with them
Be prepared to choose teaching modalities based on content, not on perceived “learning styles”
Identify strategies to create usable, flexible and durable knowledge
Design assignments with elements of retrieval practice, spaced practice and interleaving
Use formative assessments to gain insight into students’ knowledge and aptitude
Maintain awareness of cognitive load and the limitations of active working memory in lesson and unit planning
Design classes to incentivize thinking hard
Use multiple modalities for teaching and assessment
Apply novelty, relevance, and choice to increase student engagement
Explain the benefit of struggling during the learning process, and design lessons where students make and learn from mistakes
Articulate the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment
Be able to give high-quality feedback
Design opportunities for students to act on feedback soon after receiving it
Understand the differences between feedback given at the start of the year versus the end of the year
Teach study strategies in class, alongside content, and include time to practice them
Recommend study strategies that aid in deeper retention or are more efficient
Advise students on effective learning environments and study methods to use outside of school
Know that building metacognition could be one of the most impactful learning strategies
Understand the difference between metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills
Include activities that aid in the development of metacognition
Use modeling to help students develop their metacognition
Describe the relationship between emotion and learning, and design effective lessons with this in mind
Understand the relationship between habits such as sleep, nutrition, and physical activity and the ability to learn
Design activities that have value and purpose, and which build motivation and students’ self efficacy
Neuroteach Global demo and walkthrough
for each course
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For a long time, we’ve known about simple strategies that help all students learn. These strategies haven’t made it into classrooms in a widespread way, signaling a failure in the status quo when it comes to communicating them.
Learning Sciences are traditionally delivered to teachers and other educational leaders through professional development programming. Teachers often feel too busy to integrate these concepts into their teaching, or ill-equipped to master the concepts as they’re presented. Neuroteach Global is designed to overcome these barriers, offering teachers a portable, flexible way to learn and test their new skills. It is the first program to use the Science of Learning to teach the Science of Learning.
Research tells us that teacher quality is the most important factor in our control that affects a student’s education. It also tells us that teacher effectiveness plateaus after 2-3 years, unless the school has a high-quality PD environment. Neuroteach Global can improve teacher quality at all levels and engagement states. It provides a roadmap and a sense of urgency, modeling the teaching and assessing in multiple modalities to engage teachers in the most promising research to enhance teacher quality and student outcomes.
For a quick introduction to Neuroteach Global, check out our one-minute video! The foundation of Neuroteach Global is formed by the book Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education, written by Dr. Ian Kelleher and Glenn Whitman, and the work of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. The most robust research in Mind, Brain, and Education Science is embedded into the fictional stories of Dewey High. Each of the 12 micro-courses is divided into 14 chapters that take an average of 3-5 minutes to complete. Using research on memory and the spacing effect, chapters are delivered in spaced intervals, so you cannot binge experience Neuroteach Global; we actually want you to start forgetting a little before re-engaging with your next experience. Real-world classroom missions arrive approximately every four chapters, and users receive feedback on them within 72 hours after they are submitted.
We know that learning about Mind, Brain, and Education Science research through micro-courses delivered to your mobile device is not the typical way to receive professional development. As daily classroom teachers ourselves, we know the reality of teachers’ lives—Glenn teaches history, and Ian teaches science. We also know that all teachers want to challenge and support each of their students as best they can. Micro-courses respect a teacher’s time by delivering research and strategies in a storified way that is actually fun, which is not a word we often hear used to describe professional development!
The portability and flexibility of the Neuroteach Global experience allows you to complete a chapter or micro-course anytime, anywhere, and on any device of your choosing. Make it a part of your morning or evening routine, and with just a few minutes each day, you can deepen your understanding of Mind, Brain, and Education Science.
While development and growth are key parts of any professional teacher’s career, research shows us that professional development is currently delivered in sub-optimal ways, whether in person or online. This leads to little change in the practices of schools and teachers. Micro-learning offers a tested way to make the crucial lessons of MBE stick, leading to more positive impact on the careers of teachers—and the lives of their students. Put simply, we’re using the Science of Learning to deliver professional development on the Science of Learning.
Research tells us that actionable feedback is critical to learning. Neuroteach Global users receive feedback in two ways: first, real-time feedback comes as users answer questions related to student experiences at Dewey High School. Second, each micro-course includes two real-world classroom missions; users receive feedback on these missions from master teachers within 72 hours of submission.
Sorry, but you can’t. Our program is intentionally spaced to allow for the crucial processes of letting knowledge settle, forgetting a bit, and being reminded. Micro-learning is tremendously helpful for retention; therefore, with a commitment of 10-15 minutes each day, a micro-course can be completed in 3-5 days.
While Neuroteach Global can be experienced individually, there are many different ways in which academic departments, grade levels, divisions, schools, and entire districts can participate together. Here are some ideas:
- Start every department, division, or faculty meeting by experiencing one Neuroteach Global chapter
- Replace a book study or a summer reading with the novelty of Neuroteach Global, which also leads to CTTL Mind, Brain, and Education Science certification
- Complete a track per month as part of a Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Use a Neuroteach Global activity or track to inform work around a current school initiative
- Assign a micro-course in advance of an upcoming meeting to prime team members’ brains with the potential research and strategies that can inform the discussion
To learn more about how Neuroteach can provide effective, compelling professional development across an entire district, start with our Delta County School District launch video. For more information, see our For Administrators page.
In 2017, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative challenged the CTTL to leverage technology in order to deliver its in-person programming, printed works, and resources for MBE Science translation and integration. The catch: we had to think beyond a MOOC (massive open online course) or a video series. With Neuroteach Global micro-courses, we offer an experiential journey to understanding the latest in MBE research for teachers, informed by more than ten years of insight gained through the work of St. Andrew’s and the CTTL.
You can find a great deal of relevant research via our research base. Before you do, it’s helpful to understand the the design, content, and delivery of Neuroteach Global is informed by four major areas of research: Mind, Brain, and Education Science; professional development; behavioral change; and how the adult brain learns. As you experience Neuroteach Global, you’ll have the opportunity to note where research and strategies from the Science of Learning—such as novelty, choice, feedback, metacognition, memory, engagement, attention, and change—emerge.
We recognize that Neuroteach Global requires a commitment in time and resources for individual teachers, schools, and school districts. We also recognize that individual teachers and schools have varied access to funding support. We want to help. That is why the CTTL has grantwriters available to help schools and districts identify regional and national funders and philanthropists that can support their Mind, Brain, and Education science professional development journey.
Contact for more information about this human resource, which was built into the grants provided by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Omidyar Group.
For individual teachers, we do not yet have funding support or resources targeted to your needs. One promising suggestion is to use the platform to pursue funding to engage with Neuroteach Global; you can learn more about this option here.
If you’d like to take a multiple-modality approach to learning the MBE Science of Learning research that is integrated throughout Neuroteach Global, you’ll love our book, Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education. Written by Glenn Whitman, Director of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, and Dr. Ian Kelleher, Head of Research at CTTL, the book inspired the team to offer Neuroteach Global as a virtual tool. You can buy the book here.