Students, educators, schools, and districts are on a journey to make their classrooms and communities places where all students can experience academic growth, identity development and a sense of belonging.
How does identity impact learning, and how does learning impact identity? Our winter webinar series will explore these important topics.
During three virtual workshops, you’ll learn how to leverage strategies from the robust research in Diversity, Equity & Belonging (DEB) and Mind, Brain & Education Science (MBE) to meet the current challenges and opportunities facing students in their schools. You’ll also engage with a global community of teachers and school leaders in breakout rooms and apply research and “next day” strategies to schools and programs that serve students from elementary school through college.
At the Intersection: Creating a Culture of Belonging through the Lens of MBE and DEB
- January 27, February 3, and February 10, 2022 at 7pm ET
- Relevant and applicable to elementary, middle, high school, and college teachers and school leaders who will engage in breakout sessions
- The first two sessions will be facilitated by CTTL research team leaders
- The third session features a panel of DEB and MBE experts and practitioners
- All participants receive a digital workbook and actionable content you can use in the classroom
- 4 hours of professional development time and certificate of completion
- $129/person for three 80-minute webinars that are available live or via recording
- $99/per person for groups of six or more
- Special large group rate is available for groups of 20 or more
- Email us at for small and large group discount code
Session Descriptions
January 27, 2022
Why and How to Connect DEB and MBE in the Classroom
During our first workshop, we’ll discuss the newest (and still evolving) thinking about the intersection of DEB and MBE, and the pathways individual practitioners and institutions can take to connect them in the classroom.
February 3, 2022
DEB and MBE Case Study Discussions
In the second session, participants will deepen their knowledge of DEB and MBE and expand their real-world strategies. It will include discussion and unpacking of case studies.
February 10, 2022
DEB and MBE Panel Discussion
During our final session, a panel of experts and practitioners in DEB and MBE will tackle your questions that came up during the first two sessions and share their research and work in this space.
Meet the Session 3 Panelists
Elena Aguilar
Founder and President, Bright Morning
Elena Aguilar is a writer, leader, teacher, coach and podcaster. She is the author of six highly acclaimed books including The Art of Coaching, Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators and Coaching for Equity. She is the founder and president of Bright Morning Consulting, an organization committed to helping individuals and organizations create the conditions for transformation. Elena has taught tens of thousands of folks how to have conversations that build a more just and equitable world. She is also the co-founder of Kenya Big Picture Learning, on the advisory board of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. She lives in Oakland, CA, with her husband, son, and two cats.
Dr. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
Director, USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE)
Dr. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang studies the psychological and neurobiological bases of social emotion, self-awareness and culture and their implications for learning, development and schools. She is a Professor of Education at the USC Rossier School of Education, a Professor of Psychology at the Brain and Creativity Institute, a member of the Neuroscience Graduate Program Faculty at the University of Southern California, and Director of the USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE).Mary Helen is author of Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience.
Dr. Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Professor of Harvard University’s Extension School and Researcher
Dr. Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa is an Instructor at the Harvard University Extension School where she teaches the “Neuroscience of Learning: An Introduction to Mind, Brain, Health and Education Science.” She is the Associate Editor of the Nature Partner Journal, Science of Learning, and was a member of the expert committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to determine teachers’ new pedagogical knowledge based on contributions from neuroscience and technology. She is also a part of the team at Conexiones. Tracey is the author of The Five Pillars of the Mind: Redesigning Education to Suit the Brain and Bringing the Neuroscience of Learning to Online Teaching: An Educator’s Handbook. Her current work is aimed at turning research from the learning sciences into usable knowledge for teachers at all levels of education. She currently lives in New York.
Meet our Faculty
Dr. Ian Kelleher
Dr. Ian Kelleher is a leader in translating the latest research in how the brain learns into classroom practice for K-12 teachers around the world. As a science teacher at St. Andrew’s and The Dreyfuss Chair of Research for the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, he spends his days teaching physics and robotics while working on projects that help teachers translate the science of learning into everyday practices in their own classrooms. He is the co-author of “Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education”, and his latest project is Neuroteach Global – online professional development for teachers that utilizes the science of learning to teach the science of learning. Ian grew up in the United Kingdom, went to the University of Cambridge for his PhD, was an undergraduate at Manchester University, but has been teaching in the United States for more than twenty years.
Lorraine Martinez Hanley
Lorraine Martinez Hanley has been a diversity practitioner, an activist, and an educator for over 30 years. She is the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Maryland and is an Omidyar Faculty Fellow for the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL). She is a contributor to “America to Me” docu-series on Starz as a member of their “Real Talk” advisory committee and co-writer for the series’ online discussion guide and digital experience. A gifted educator committed to responsive and inclusive pedagogy, Lorraine is a certified All Kinds of Minds (AKOM) trainer and a 14-year veteran faculty member of the National Association of Independent School’s Student Diversity Leadership Conference. Born in Los Angeles, California, she attended San Diego State University, the University of Southern California, and the University of Maryland University College and has a B.A. in Humanities.
Eva Shultis
Eva Shultis contributes to the research and development of Neuroteach Global, facilitates workshops for teachers and school leaders, and coordinates the Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy. She also teaches and advises 7th graders at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School (though Biology and Psychology equally hold a special place in her heart). Eva has taught middle and high school science since 2010, interspersed with work on problem-based learning at the New England Board of Higher Education and research on causal understanding at Project Zero. She cares deeply about the intersection of cognitive science and equity work. Eva earned her Sc.B. in Human Biology from Brown University and an Ed.M. in Mind, Brain & Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.