The Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy (July 19-22, 2020) develops an educator’s knowledge, mindset and translational skills in the Science of Learning and has had a direct impact on the education of over 15,000 students. In 2019, 250 teachers, school leaders, policymakers and program coordinators attended the Academy representing public, charter, private, and international schools from 20 states and five countries.
A priority of the Academy is making it accessible to teachers and school leaders at all types of schools by making it affordable. Your support means that educators from under-resourced schools and programs gain access to this one-of-a-kind professional learning experience.
All sponsors of the Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy will have their company or institution’s logo featured on the Academy’s web page, Academy banners and promoted via social media. Click here for more information about becoming a sponsor of the 2020 Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy or email Lisa Jacobs at
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Thank you to our Academy Sponsors
The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning and the Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy are grateful for those organizations have provided financial support for this professional development experience.