Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal
Assistant Professor at the Berklee College of Music and an Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University. Author of Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning. Founder of RetrievalPractice.org, a hub of resources and strategies for teachers based on the science of learning.
Dr. Daniel Willingham
Psychology Professor at University of Virginia and Author of Why Don’t Students Like School?, When Can You Trust the Experts?, Raising Kids Who Read, and The Reading Mind.
Dylan Wiliam
Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment at University College London. Author of Creating the Schools Our Children Need: Why What We’re Doing Now Won’t Help Much (And What We Can Do Instead).
Dr. Beth Morling
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Delaware. Author of Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information.
Dr. Pedro De Bruyckere
Educational Scientist at Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent, Belgium, postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and Author of The Ingredients for Great Teaching.
Dr. Chris Hulleman
Associate Professor at the University of Virginia, Ph.D., Social and Personality Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Vanessa Rodriguez
Author of The Teaching Brain and Assistant Professor in the Center for Early Childhood Health and Development in the Department of Population Health at the NYU School of Medicine
Dr. Mark McDaniel
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Coauthor of Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, and Co-Director of CIRCLE at Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Kristin Gagnier
Assistant Director of Dissemination, Translation, and Education, Science of Learning Institute, Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Robert Dillon
Author, The Space: A Guide for Educators, co-founder of ConnectED Learning, a Saint Louis non-profit dedicated to affordable, quality professional learning for teachers, educator and speaker.
Glenn Whitman
Director of the CTTL at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School and Coauthor of Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education.
Dr. Ian Kelleher
Head of Research for the CTTL at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School and Coauthor of Neuroteach: Brain Science and the Future of Education.